Central place for all reports and dashboards

Users no longer have to ask where the latest data is located.

DashboardFox provides a centralized place to store reports and documents from all your connected data sources.

Take action

Running a document does a live query against the connected data source to return real-time results.

Users can also schedule, export, and share documents from the shared team folders.

Quickly find your favorite documents

Documents are easily discoverable in the Shared Team folder, but users can favorite any document for quicker access.

There's even a private set of folders to store copies of documents, test items, or documents in progress.

Everything is permission based

Security roles determine if a user can see or edit a document. Data-level security dictates exactly what they see when running their data.

Each user sees only the folders they have permission to see. Also, documents inside the folder can also be individually secured.

Contact us and let's discuss more about your use case

Questions? Let’s talk about your use case and see if DashboardFox is a fit.