Data and Business Intelligence Glossary Terms
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms are a type of computer algorithm inspired by the process of natural evolution. Just like living organisms evolve over time to adapt to their environment, Genetic Algorithms modify potential solutions to find the best result for a specific problem. In business intelligence and data analytics, these algorithms are used to tackle complex optimization and search problems by simulating the process of natural selection.
Here’s how it works: imagine you have a bunch of keys (solutions) and you’re trying to find the one that perfectly fits a lock (the problem). Genetic Algorithms start with a set of random keys and test them out. The keys that come closest to fitting the lock the best are kept, while the rest are discarded. Then, just like in nature, these ‘fit’ keys are mixed with each other to create new keys, potentially fitting the lock even better. Over several generations, the algorithm keeps selecting and combining the best keys until it finds the one that fits the lock just right.
In a business context, Genetic Algorithms can be particularly powerful in areas like scheduling, where there are many possible ways to allocate resources, or in portfolio management, where the goal is to balance the trade-off between risk and return. These algorithms can sift through vast sets of possibilities to discover the optimal solutions, helping businesses make decisions that might be too complex for traditional methods.
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